Janine Jorgensen, LCSW
Therapy for Individuals and Families
My experience is as eclectic and rounded as my practice currently. My formative years in Social Work were grass roots efforts. I worked in communities that were disadvantaged.
Just after acquiring and undergraduate degree, I sold my belongings and backpacked through Europe for nearly a year. I met individuals and families of diverse backgrounds that helped shaped my perception of inclusion and community.
Stateside, I began my work experience in Social Work with Social Services and worked with foster youth, re-unification of families, and adoption. Two years later, I began my graduate studies and completed my Master’s in Social Work. My emphasis of study was Behavioral Health and Health Studies.
I interned at an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital for both adults and adolescents and
familiarized myself with the mental health system, substance abuse and addiction, the
chronically mentally ill, and psychopharmacology. All through graduate school and six years
following, I counseled a wide range of individuals and families. In all, I have worked as a
Social Worker in some capacity for over 25 years. My private practice(over 15 years),
is the natural progression of my education and experience.
I enjoy spending time in the great outdoors. Whether it's gardening, a hike in the foothills,
or paddle boarding on lakes nearby. I am still passionate about travel and
although the big trips are less often, I look forward to my next big adventure
adventure! To ground myself I also enjoy yoga and pilates.